
Organized roughly newest to oldest. For a more complete listing of my own videos, visit my YouTube page.

Quiet Hymn Medleys for the Home Album

Piano improvisations of hymns for quiet reflection and rest
Released digitally 2025.

Un Gozo y Gran Bendición Album

Arreglos de himnos en Español
Originally released 2016, released digitally 2025.

Hymn of Heaven

New cover of Christian song with Cosette Jones and Jenny Oaks Baker.

‘Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love

New hymn arrangement for full choir and orchestra

Sheet music here.

12 Quiet Christmas Classics Album

Album of improvised hymn arrangements for piano solo, recorded 2024

Select “Lyric Pieces” by Grieg

Recordings of short piano solos by Norwegian Romantic composer Edvard Grieg, recorded 2024

A Joy Beyond Measure Album

Album of piano and piano/vocal hymn arrangement composed as a missionary.
Originally released 2016, released digitally 2024.

Tree of Life, Rod of Iron

Utah concert premiere of a new sacred choral work, October 2024.

Sheet music here.

Come Thou Fount / In Christ Alone

Hymn arrangement; Cosette Jones as vocalist

Sheet music here.

The Lord Is My Light

Hymn arrangement; BYU Singers

Sheet music here.

I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go

Hymn arrangement; CJ Madsen and Samm Madsen, vocals

Nearer than I Can Imagine

Arrangement commissioned by vocalist Cosette Jones. Performed by Cosette, CJ, and cellist Nathan Cox.

The HFAC Song

Ditty composed in honor of the outgoing arts center at Brigham Young University.

The Psalm of Nephi

Piano/vocal setting of text from 2 Nephi 4 in the Book of Mormon.

Get the sheet music

He Shall Prepare a Way Concert Video

Staged recording of CJ’s new opera
based on 1 Nephi, April 2022.

He Shall Prepare a Way Album Recording

Piano vocal album recording of CJ’s new opera “He Shall Prepare a Way” based on 1 Nephi.

Emmanuel, with Allie Gardner and Wade Farr

Cover of a classic Christmas tune, with English and Arabic lyrics. Performed at Christmas on Temple Square 2021.

Awake and Arise – Church of Jesus Christ Youth Face to Face, 2020

Pianist for a worldwide Christian broadcast, 2020.

“God of Abraham”, from One Fold, One Shepherd

From the choral/orchestral work written by CJ in 2016 and based on the ministry of the Savior to ancient America. Featuring the A Voice for Good Choir.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Music video by BYU Singers featuring an original arrangement by CJ and filmed in the St. George, Utah area in October 2019.

We Three Kings

Performance video by the BYU Men’s Chorus featuring an original arrangement by CJ, Christmas 2016.

Master, the Tempest Is Raging

Performance video of an original piano arrangement by CJ, performed at a BYU devotional in the spring of 2017.

I Saw a Pillar of Light

A setting of Joseph Smith’s 1838 First Vision account, written by Laura Madsen and arranged by CJ, performed by the A Voice for Good Choir, April 2021.

The Creation of Light

An original piano solo written by CJ and performed at his senior college recital, November 2017.

Faerie Fantasy

An original piano solo written by CJ and performed at his senior high school recital, May 2012.

Concerto in B-Flat Minor, Third Movement

A performance of the third movement from Tchaikovsky’s concerto, featuring the BYU Philharmonic Orchestra, March 2017.

Through the Rainbow

An original poem and melody by Samm Madsen, set to SATB a cappella choir by CJ in 2019 as a surprise anniversary present.

Beati Quorum Via

A setting by Charles Stanford, performed by BYU Singers and conducted by CJ Madsen at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.