One Fold, One Shepherd is a sacred work for choir, soloists, and orchestra, composed and orchestrated by CJ Madsen with text taken from the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Originally written in German and performed in Austria, it has now been translated into English, orchestrated, and is available as professional recording featuring professional soloists, Utah Symphony players, and the A Voice for Good choir.
Similar in style to Rob Gardner’s Lamb of God and Handel’s Messiah, the text comes from 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon and chronicles Mormon’s keeping of the Book of Mormon record, the birth of the Savior among the Nephites, their deliverance from the Gadianton robbers, and the Savior’s subsequent appearance and ministry among them. CJ’s beautiful music combines with the sacred words of the scriptures to bring to life a story of deliverance, faith, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To view and download sheet music and digital recordings, go here.
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About A.D. 360 on the American continent, the prophet Mormon, a leader among a group of people called the Nephites, is compiling a history of his people, a history ultimately known as the Book of Mormon. He testifes of the truth of the story he is about to tell and declares his calling as a follower of Jesus Christ (I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ).
Mormon begins his principal story: At around 5 B.C., the Nephites receive a prophecy from a man named Samuel foretelling the birth of Jesus Christ at Jerusalem. Five years later, scoffers seek to destroy the believing Nephites, but the prophet Nephi receives an assurance from Christ that He indeed will come (Behold, I Come Unto My Own). Fifteen years later, the Nephites are threatened by a murderous band of robbers, but through their faith in Christ, they are delivered from their enemies (God of Abraham).
Eighteen more years pass away, and the people forget God and turn to wickedness. A horrendous storm—a sign of Christ’s death—occurs, destroying a great portion of the people (There Arose a Great Storm). In the midst of the people’s mourning, the voice of Christ is heard pleading with the people to repent and return to His goodness and light (How Oft Have I Gathered You).
Having gathered at the temple in the land Bountiful, a group of the surviving believers hear a penetrating voice from heaven—God the Father proclaiming the coming of His Beloved Son. Jesus Christ, now a resurrected and glori ed being, then descends from heaven and proclaims that He is the Son of God. e people shout hosannas and worship Him as He ministers to them one by one (Behold, I Am Jesus Christ). He then teaches His gospel, which is that those who have faith in Him, repent, and are baptized shall receive the Holy Ghost and be cleansed from sin (This Is My Gospel).
Before departing, Jesus heals the sick and blesses the children (And the Multitude Bear Record). He also gives a prayer of unspeakable transcendence (And Tongue Cannot Speak). The work concludes with Mormon and the other Nephite disciples testifying that the coming forth of the Book of Mormon will be a sign that the Second Coming of Christ is approaching and that following Christ leads to peace in this life and eternal joy in the life to come (One Fold, One Shepherd).

In the original version, CJ used certain solo instruments to represent aspects of the Doctrine of Christ. Many of these musical symbols have been retained in the orchestral version:
- Horn = Faith
- Cello = Repentance
- Flute = Baptism and the Holy Ghost
- Violin = Temptations of the Devil
- Trumpet = The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Interesting Facts
- “Behold, I Come Unto My Own,” features quotations from a Lutheran hymn entitled “Nun komm der Heiden Heiland,” and the two sections sung in German are verses from the original hymn. CJ retained the German when translating One Fold, One Shepherd into English, as a tribute to J. S. Bach (one of the greatest religious composers of all time) and to the people of Vienna who first heard Eine Herde und ein Hirte.
- “There Arose a Great Storm,” features a quotation from a Latin chant called “Dies Irae.” The tune dates from the Middle Ages and describes the fear related to the Second Coming of Christ. CJ used the tune to tie the destruction in America at the Savior’s death to the destruction at the last days before Christ’s Second Coming.
- The work features various musical quotations in the instrumentation from hymns of The Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, including “The Spirit of God”. (See how many you can find…)
- The piece is dedicated to CJ’s daughters, Hollis and Charlotte.