One Fold, One Shepherd is a sacred work for choir, soloists, and chamber instruments, composed and orchestrated by CJ Madsen in 2016 with text taken from the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. This work was originally written in German and performed in Austria on a Brigham Young University (BYU) study abroad in music. The work was then translated into English, by which it is known better now. The English version is now available as a professional recording (see below) featuring professional soloists, Utah Symphony players, and A Voice for Good choir.
Similar in style to Rob Gardner’s Lamb of God and Handel’s Messiah, the text comes from 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon and chronicles Mormon’s keeping of the Book of Mormon record, the birth of the Savior among the Nephites, their deliverance from the Gadianton robbers, and the Savior’s subsequent appearance and ministry among them. CJ’s beautiful music combines with the sacred words of the scriptures to bring to life a story of deliverance, faith, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For more general information on One Fold, One Shepherd, go here.
For more on the history of One Shepherd, go here.
For more on the lyrics of One Shepherd, go here.
For sheet music and recordings for the 2018 orchestration, see here.
This page contains sheet music and recordings for the chamber version of One Fold, One Shepherd. Movements are organized numerically. I include a quick list first, with dates of composition and performing forces. Asterisks indicate my personal favorites that can be excerpted. Following the quick list are each composition, with an image of the first page and links to view and download sheet music and recordings.
Performing Forces
Mor – Mormon — Baritone / Narrator
NW 1 – Nephite Woman 1 — Soprano
NW 2 – Nephite Woman 2 — Soprano
NW 3 – Nephite Woman 3 — Alto
Ten – Voice of Jesus Christ – Tenor Soloist
Bar – Voice of the Father – Baritone Soloist
Lach – Lachoneus — Bass
SATB Choir (TTBB in 3; SSAA in 8)
Flute, Trumpet (Bb), Horn (F), Violin, Cello, and Piano
*1 – I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ – Mor, SATB, Hn, Pno
2 – Behold, I Come unto My Own – Mor, SATB, Hn, Pno
*3 – God of Abraham – Mor, Lach, TTBB, Pno
4 – There Arose a Great Storm – Mor, NW 1, SATB, Vln, Vc, Pno
*5 – How Oft Have I Gathered You – Mor, NW 1, Ten, SATB, Vc, Pno
*6 – Behold, I Am Jesus Christ – Mor, Ten, Bar, SATB, Fl, Hn, Vc, Pno
*7 – This Is My Gospel – Ten, SATB, Fl, Hn, Vc, Pno
*8 – And the Multitude Bear Record – Mor, NW 2, NW 3, SSAA, Pno
*9 – And Tongue Cannot Speak – Mor, SATB, Fl, Pno
*10 – One Fold, One Shepherd – Mor, NW 1, NW 2, NW 3, Ten, Bar, Lach, SATB, Fl, Tr, Hn, Vln, Vc, Pno

One Fold, One Shepherd – Complete Score – – 2016
Seven Soloists (SSATBarBarB)
SATB Chorus, Flute, Trumpet, Horn, Cello, Violin, Piano
Setting of 3 Nephi in The Book of Mormon.
For concert performances.
Hard. 50 min. Free download.
For audio, see individual movements below.

1. I Am a Disciple of Jesus Christ – 2016
Baritone, Horn, SATB, and Piano
Setting of 3 Nephi 5.
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 4 minutes, 15 seconds. Free download.
For instrument parts and simpler piano parts, see link above for complete score.

2. Behold, I Come Unto My Own– 2016
Baritone, Horn, SATB, and Piano
Setting of 3 Nephi 1.
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 4 minutes, 30 seconds. Free download.
For instrument parts and simpler piano parts, see link above for complete score.

4. There Arose a Great Storm – 2016
Soprano, Baritone, SATB Chorus, Violin, Cello, and Piano
Setting of 3 Nephi 8.
For concert performances.
Hard difficulty. 3 minutes, 45 seconds. Free download.
For instrument parts and simpler piano parts, see link above for complete score.

10. One Fold, One Shepherd – 2016
SSATBarBarB Soloists, SATB Choir, Trumpet, Horn. Flute, Cello, and Piano
Setting of 3 Nephi 15.
For concert performances.
Hard difficulty. 5 minutes, 45 seconds. Free download.
For instrument parts and simpler piano parts, see link above for complete score.