Tree of Life, Rod of Iron is a 45-minute, nine-movement work for SATB Choir, soloists, and piano about the Tree of Life vision seen by Lehi and Nephi (c. 598 B.C.) in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. The purposes of this work are to help build faith in Jesus Christ and to share a cool story from an amazing book with those who may/may not be familiar with the book or with Latter-day Saints in general.

The work can be performed by any of the following configurations, using this score:
1. Vocal solo singing melody and piano
2. Vocal quartet
3. Vocal quartet and choir
The piece is designed for adaptability, depending on the forces and skill level of the ensemble. Practice tracks, libretto, supertitles, and other helps are available on my website. There are also versions of each movement with simpler piano parts.
The piece is built around a beloved Latter-day Saint hymn “The Iron Rod.” Each of the first eight movements incorporates into the melodic motifs one of the eight phrases from the hymn, with the last movement actually including the hymn text and tune itself. In fact, one of the most crucial parts of the work is that of the audience part, which occurs three times in the final movement. If possible, it is encouraged that the director should take 5 minutes at the beginning of the performance to teach this part to the audience. This can be easily done by projecting the part on a slide projector or printing it in the score. The director may also be able to teach the audience by rote – it ain’t that long. 😊
The soprano soloist sings the words of Nephi. I gave Nephi’s words to a soprano to show the applicability of his words to all people, but as the needs of individual circumstance dictates, a tenor can sing the solo part instead. The same goes for other roles that can be sung up/down the octave.
I hope a performances of this work conveys the hope and joy that the Iron Rod, the Tree of Life – even Jesus Christ – is within our reach – as well as all the hope and joy that accompanies Him.
Performing Forces
SATB soloists
SATB Choir
Congregation (final movement)
Click here to see information about the complete score.
1 – A Tree – Bass, SATB, Piano
1.5 – I Was Desirous – Soprano, Piano
2 – The Power of the Holy Ghost – Soprano, SATB, Piano
2.5 Caught Away in the Spirit – Soprano, Piano
3 – Hosanna to the Lord – SAT Soli, SATB, Piano
3.5 – The Condescension of God – Soprano, Tenor, Piano
4 – Behold the Lamb of God – Soprano, SATB, Piano
4.5 – Their Garments Were White – Soprano, Tenor, Piano
5 – White in the Blood of the Lamb – SATB, Piano
5.5 – Gathered Together to Fight – Soprano, Tenor, Piano
6 – The Great and Spacious Building – Tenor, SATB, Piano
6.5 – Nevertheless – Tenor, Piano
7 – Plain and Precious – Alto, Bass, SATB, Piano
7.5 – The Devil and the Saints – Soprano, Piano
8 – The Power of God in Great Glory – STB Soli, SATB, Piano
8.5 – What Meaneth the Rod of Iron – SATB Soli, Piano
9 – Hold to the Rod – SATB Soli, SATB, Pno, Cong

Tree of Life, Rod of Iron, Complete Score – 2023
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass Soloists
SATB Choir
Congregation (#9 Only)
Setting of 1 Nephi 8-15 in the Book of Mormon.
For choir/soloist practice tracks, contact me here.
For concert performances or excerpted movements.
Medium. 45 min. Free download.

1. A Tree – 2023
Bass, SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 8
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

1.5. I Was Desirous – 2023
Soprano and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 9
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

2. The Power of the Holy Ghost – 2023
Soprano, SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 10
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

2.5. Caught Away in the Spirit – 2023
Soprano and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 11
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

3. Hosanna to the Lord – 2023
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 11
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

3.5. The Condescension of God – 2023
Soprano, Tenor, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 11
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

4. Behold the Lamb of God – 2023
Soprano, SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 11
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

4.5. Their Garments Were White – 2023
Soprano, Tenor, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 12
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

5. White in the Blood of the Lamb – 2023
SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 12
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

5.5. Gathered Together to Fight – 2023
Soprano, Tenor, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 11
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

6. The Great and Spacious Building– 2023
Tenor, SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 13
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

6.5. Nevertheless – 2023
Tenor and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 13
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

7. Plain and Precious – 2023
Alto, Bass, SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 13
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

7.5. The Devil and the Saints – 2023
Soprano and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 14
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

8. The Power of God in Great Glory – 2023
STB Soli, SATB Choir, and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 14
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

8.5. What Meaneth the Rod of Iron– 2023
SATB Soli and Piano
Setting of 1 Nephi 15
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 1 minute. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.

9. Hold to the Rod – 2023
SATB Soli, SATB Choir, Piano, and Congregation
Setting of 1 Nephi 15, mixed with “The Iron Rod”
For concert performances.
Medium difficulty. 5 minutes. Free download.
For practice tracks, more scores, and simpler piano parts, see links above in “Complete Score“
For instrument parts, see link above for complete score.